Resources A to Z

All databases are available both in and outside of the library except as noted. If you're outside the library, some databases may require a library card number. In addition to searching the databases individually, you can use the Ohio Web Library to search all the statewide information databases using a single interface. Note: This does not search the databases which are paid for and provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library, which are indicated below with a note.

Academic Search Premier All-encompassing search engine that features 10,465 journals with full-text linking, cited references and over 75,000 videos from the Associated Press.

African American Heritage Genealogical database for African American family research featuring census records, vital records, freedman and slave records, church records, legal records, and more.

Alt HealthWatch Database that focuses on holistic, complementary and integrated health approaches. Note: Information Provided in this database should not be viewed as a means for self-diagnosis or a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

American and English Full-Text Literature Collections  Over 200,000 complete works of poetry, drama and prose ranging from the 16th to the 20th century

Ancestry Library Edition (in library use only) Search over 7,000 US and international databases to help your family tree take root

AtoZdatabases (provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library) Database focusing on business profiles, executive profiles and profiles on private residents

AtoZ Food America (provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library) Focuses on recipes, articles about food culture, informative videos, historical facts about food and a full reference center

AtoZ World Culture (provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library) Features 174 countries and covers 121 different topics including folklore, food, language and history just to list a few

Biography Reference Bank Easily search well-known or famous individuals with minimal information

Business Source Premier Features superb indexing, case studies, various business reports and includes ahead of print content related to the Business world

Chilton Library Car repair database for most years, makes, and models of vehicles. Includes easy-to-follow service and repair procedures, diagrams, maintenance tables and ASE test prep.

Chronicling America [Sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress] View a vast collection of historic newspapers stretching from 1690 to the present

Cochrane Library Available in Spanish – Find information to help inform health care decisions Note: Information Provided in this database should not be viewed as a means for self-diagnosis or a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Comics Plus (provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library) Read thousands of digital comics, graphic novels and manga. Titles are always available, with no holds or wait lists. Access content with your library card at the following links:

Computer Source Over 511 different journals that feature searchable, cited references about all items computer related

Consumer Health Complete Includes reading materials, medical images, diagrams, animation and “TeenTalk” articles that focus on teenager related issues Note: Information Provided in this database should not be viewed as a means for self-diagnosis or a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Consumer Reports (provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library) Through independent testing and research, Consumer Reports provides the value, quality and authenticity of goods and services


ERIC ERIC®, the Education Resource Information Center Bibliographic and full-text database for educational research and information designed to assist academics, scholars, researchers, policymakers, general public

Explora Students and teachers can research and inform learning and instruction with over 60, 000 High-quality videos and licensed articles

Fold3 Access to military records such as stories, photos and personal documents from most wars fought that included United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United Kingdom

Gale Legal Forms - Gale LegalForms brings you state-specific legal forms for the most common legal procedures. Prenups, bankruptcy, copyright, divorce, estate planning, loans, patents, and more. Templates and tools in Gale LegalForms can help. 

Health Source:  Consumer Edition Features extensive coverage on specific diseases and overall health topics – Includes reports from Clinical Reference Systems Note: Information Provided in this database should not be viewed as a means for self-diagnosis or a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition : Search through nursing and allied health topics for different medical disciplines Note: Information Provided in this database should not be viewed as a means for self-diagnosis or a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Heritage Quest Powered by -- Contains over 500 searchable domestic and international databases to find familial information

Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center Provides detailed step-by-step instructions and videos for numerous hobbies

Home Improvement Reference Center Search detailed, full-text content for do-it yourself, home improvements

Kids InfoBits Focuses on science and technology for elementary age learners while providing curriculum-based information based on animals, art, music, geography, health, literature, people, plants, social studies, sports

Library Chef  (Library card required.) A platform featuring live kitchen skills classes that provide you with tasty recipes and culinary expertise. (Provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library.)

Literary Reference Center Database that includes literature from all genres and time periods – Features full-text poems, short stories and novels

LinkedIn Learning (Library card/pin required. Our library code is oh0062.) Personalized content for in-demand skills that match individual learners’ skill gaps and professional goals – Offers courses in English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin and Portuguese. (Provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library.)

MAS Ultra – School Edition School Edition: Reference database designed for high school agers

MasterFILE Premier Search and retrieve full text information from credible publications in subject areas that include business, health, education, general science and multicultural issues

MEDLINE Created by the US National Library of Medicine – Contains citations and abstracts from biomedical and health journals from around the world – Exclusive Ahead of Print content from select publishers Note: Information Provided in this database should not be viewed as a means for self-diagnosis or a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Middle Search Plus Reference database designed for middle school age children

Morningstar (provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library) Investment research that includes portfolio tracking, reporting capabilities and up-to-date financial news

Newspaper Source Offers complete radio and television news transcripts while providing full text for hundreds of national, international and regional newspapers

Northstar Digital Literacy (Library card not required) Learn computer basics in three main areas (Computer Skills, Software Skills, Using Technology in Daily Life) by completing relevant, individualized instruction.

NoveList Plus (provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library) Book recommendations for adults.

NoveList K - 8 Plus (provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library) Book recommendations focused on children’s literature.

Ohio Death Record Index Search (Library card not required) Provided by Ohio History Connection – Includes death certificates of the deceased all around Ohio, as well as, the Burials of Veterans’ and Beneficiaries’ in Ohio’s Federal Cemeteries

Ohio History Central (Library card not required) Includes Ohio’s history, ancient peoples, archeology and natural history

Ohio Legal Help Provides legal help, self-help tools and connections to local community resources

Ohio Memory (Library card not required) Explore content from over 390 different cultural heritage institutions from every county of Ohio dating from prehistory to currently

Ohio Obituary Index (Library card not required) One is able to search obituaries, death certificates and marriage notices from 1810 to the present

Ohio Web Library Government Information & Services (Library card not required) This link provides resources to residents of Ohio concerning housing, voting, income taxes, transportation, etc. within the state

Ohioline (Library card not required) An extension of Ohio State University’s website – Search about agricultural/horticultural facts that are specific to the state of Ohio

Oxford Reference

Oxford Research Encyclopedias Contains in-depth, peer-reviewed information that has been gathered by international communities of scholars on all major topics

Points of View Reference Center Resources that present multiple sides to an issue – Perfect for persuasive or comparative writings

Primary Search Database that features specifically curated content for elementary school

Professional Development Collection Specialized search engine that is beneficial to educators, professional librarians and education researchers

Profiles of Ohio  (provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library) Helpful link to aid with community or government grants, funding or political science

Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection Search subjects including anthropology, emotional/behavioral characteristics, mental processes, observational and experimental method, psychiatry and psychology

Regional Business News Search newspapers, transcripts, trades, magazines and newswires from the United States and Canada

Religion and Philosophy Collection Dates back to 1911 and includes information about world religions, different denominations, biblical studies, religious history, various philosophies and epistemology

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps: Provides detailed maps of Ohio cities and towns from 1882 to 1962

Science Reference Center Information searchable by scientific branch and includes 1000+ experiments, 2000+ videos and high-quality images

Small Business Reference Center Information to help build a small business; includes state- specific resources

Sociological Collection Access to over 190+ scholarly journals featuring information dating back to 1947

Summit Memory (Library card not required) A digital collection of local history that transpired in Summit County

TOPICsearch Helps individuals inform conversation and opinions by providing social, political, economic and scientific issues, events and discoveries

Transparent Language Online (provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library) Choose from over 110 languages (including ASL and English) to learn faster and more reliably.

Tumblebooks (provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library) 

ValueLine (provided by Cuyahoga Falls Library) Reliable, unbiased investment research on companies, industries, markets and economies

Very Short Introductions With introductions to over 650+ literary titles, this search provides assessments of these works and draws out the central ideas and themes

Vocational and Career Collection Vocational and technical research dating back to 1901

Weiss Financial Ratings Powered by Weiss Ratings and Grey House Publishing, this website gives you powerful tools to help you invest, grow your wealth, and learn more about your finances.

World Book Early Learning Specifically designed for preschoolers and early elementary schoolers – Includes videos, games, stories, activities and visual info for pre-readers

World Book Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos Search engine in Spanish designed for ages Kindergarten and up

World Book Hispánica Saber: Gran Enciclopedia Hispánica  Spanish language search resource recommended for grades 5 and up

World Book Kids Image driven content for children in kindergarten and up

World Book L’Encyclopédie Découverte French language search engine designed for children in kindergarten and up

World Book Online

World Book Student Research tool for students in grades five and up where one can save any research found directly on the website through one’s account

World Book Timelines Children in grade 5 and up can search and create visual representations of history